The Blog

Help for Disordered Eating -- a Mini Conference on Thursday, October 6, 5-7pm, MST

Aug 12, 2022

You are invited to a mini-conference for those who are struggling with disordered eating.


What you will experience:

1. DNMS demonstration surrounding bringing healing to the struggling "part" -- getting to the root of the cause

2. Theology surrounding food and table fellowship

3. The connection between eating disorders and a need for co-regulation (in other words, NOT having connections fuels eating disorders)

4. The link between sexual abuse, attunement and eating disorders


Who this is for:

Any human and/or clinician who would like to dive deep into a fuller understanding of what causes eating disorders and how to find healing.


What is the cost?



Who is leading the conference?

Rev. Megan Owen Cox, MA, Pastoral Counseling


Join us by registering below. Looking forward to seeing you!

Love, Megan