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Thirteen Years Ago, I Left a Prison~ Megan Owen, MAR, Pastoral Counseling

Aug 13, 2024

It has been 13 years TO THE DAY since I took my four smallish children… Two elementary school age, two toddlers… And left Germany to escape a toxic and abusive husband and family… Along with a spiritually destructive and toxic religious grid… And we never looked back.
The journey through the years has been remarkably rapid… From believing that I would go to hell for divorcing to thriving in my counseling practice, Nonprofit work and a total commitment to helping women become free.

***For seven years, I founded and ran a nonprofit to help women and their children become physically free.
For the past 3 1/2 years, I’ve moved on to helping women be spiritually and emotionally free.***

Do you know what’s funny? When I left him, a pastor looked at me and told me I would never have a ministry.

I have the rawest, most messy, most profound, most effective ministry I ever could’ve imagined in my life.

SOURCE is a combination of my education, my brilliant friends, other advocates, and therapists… Those who have taken similar journeys. It’s bringing you home to who you were supposed to be, but it’s also setting you free… It walks the tension between self discovery and the transcendence of God. It is wholeness. 

And I want to offer it to you. It’s affordable, depending on the package that you get, and you have exposure to other counselors, theologians and experts. Including, DV advocates.
This is our second year and I am so elated.

I hope to see you there!

Sincerely, and authentically…Megan

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